Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Doctor Kracker at Whole Foods

Have you guys tried these things? "Cracker" doesn't do them justice. They are super dense and chock full of good-for-ya ingredients such as flaxseeds, oats and spelt. This week at Whole Foods they are $5.99 and on sale BOGO free. If you go here you will find out how to receive three .75/1 coupons. If the coupons come before the sale ends (WF usually runs sales for at least 2 weeks and their sale week begins on Wednesday), you will be able to use 2 coupons on the BOGO deal, making each package of crackers just 2.25.

I found this coupon offer on Sage and Savvy. If you have a few minutes go check it out; it's a really great site with detailed product reviews and sweet giveaways from a self-described "light green" wife and mom of two.

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